I've sectioned off my solo RPG games from the rest of my website and blog, mostly to separate concerns. You'll find it under the solo RPG section. Doing this allows me to present the session nodes in ascending order, making the story/game easier to follow.

However, it also means that Journeyman sessions, won't appear in my blog or RSS feed. If you want to follow the session via RSS you can do so using this link.

Incidentally, I achieved this using a bit of magic in Ghost's routes.yaml file without needing to write a single line of code. The more I delve into Ghost, the more I love it.

Anyway, back on topic...

I played my first session on Sunday, and am really looking forward to the next instalment. If table-top RPGs is something you find interesting, I'd love for you too follow along as I embark on this experiment. If I get enough interest, I may even start streaming my game play sessions to YouTube.

SoloRPGs have a new home

With a little bit of routing magic in a YAML file, I partition my site to give the Journeyman a new home, making it easier to follow my solo RPG adventure.